Brincaderas and Futebol
• 2:00 – 2:15 Icebreaker (Fabio)
• 2:15 – 2:30 Few rules about filming (Nadia)
• 2:30 – 2:45 Review footage from Monday – what worked and what didn’t. (Alejandro)
• 2:45 – 3:15 Inform students what they will be filming (Christoffer)
➢ What did they bring for the Brincadeiras?
➢ Did they do their homework? Review Homework.
➢ Talk about different ways to film.
➢ Explain to the group that they will be in 2 groups and switch. **
➢ Split groups in 2 based on what brincadeiras they brought.
• Emphasize that this is a product of art. Think about all of the possible ways you can shoot. Keep in mind what you have learned. If you think about something you find interesting, give it a try. We are here to help. (All)
Today we wanted to follow up on the lesson we taught on Monday by reviewing the footage they took. We discussed with the class in their eyes what worked and what didn’t worked based on the lessons from Monday and Wednesdays. What helped the a lot were the amazing work sheets Nadia worked on. She drew pictures framing the basic ideas of filming (sun light, sounds, camera angles etc). The graphics and directions in Portuguese was a success. The kids really took to it and were able to make adjustments based on it. This was very important, because for the first time we were going to have access to the outside. The situation in Mare at times can be tense. We aren’t able to just film anything, since we do have restrictions. Usually, when there are restrictions (thinking in terms of the US) people don’t respect them. However, in Mare we go through Bira who is a community leader. He tells us what we can film and where we can do it. So, were able to film the kids of Luta Pela Paz and mare flying kites and playing futebol. While some of our crew took turns filming the day’s events, the end product will be mainly from the kids’ viewpoint.
What was so amazing about filming on the soccer field is that we got children from outside of Luta Pela Paz involved. They all surrounded themselves around Bira who keeps them honest. We probably should have been filming this sequence, but it’s one of those moments that are better left for those who actually experience it.
Joel Malebranche
New School University, New York
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